Because I have taken so much greif for not updating this, here it goes....
Jenny says I must have been doing something interesting in the last month but clearly she does not know me well at all. Let me mom came reincarnated as a turtle that my dog Maddie is in love with. My dad got a swimming pool and that is the only thing Alex will do anymore. I am trying to plan a birthday for mom but I think August 30th is Labor Day weekend and most of my family is sure to be out of town. Frankie has been told that he will find out exciting news on Friday, which means we will be looking for a new car soon. I worry about what to do with my house at least 14 hours a day and change my mind about it once a week. We have a wedding every single weekend until the first weekend of September, which now maybe when mom's birthday party is. SSSOOO Jenny if you are reading this check your schedule and post a comment back to me, what weekend works for you.
Something else...let me see...we went to the Arts Festival and I fell in love with a piece of art work that reminds me of mom. It is $1,000 dollars though so I am hoping to save the money up by Christmas so I can get it as a present to myself. It is from a local artist. Along those lines I really want to go to the farmers market down town on Saturday if anyone is interested.
ok thats honestly about it....have a wonderful month until I update next time haha